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My Work So Far
The Red Ball
The Red Ball was a small project I made for a college class. It shows the basis of my art and programming prowess.
Melody Hell
Melody Hell was another game I made for a class that was based on the popular game Rhythm Heaven. The graphics may be basic, however I am very proud of it.
Don't Look Back
Don't Look Back was my first big game project that I did with a group of people. The idea of the game was to collect items for your coworkers in order to unravel the secrets of the company you work for. This is, by far, my most ambitious project.

Apple Picking
Apple Picking is a short game modeled after Tinder, where the player choses between different apples that have a chance of being a "bad apple". This project was made as part of a coding challenge for a company I had applied to.
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